Monday, November 26, 2018

How Mythology is transmitted (About IA)

Hi everyone, 
I was looking to some other blogs and websites related to greek mythology, and I would like to talk to you about this one, in order to see its Information Architecture. Yes! This is something all the websites have, and it is very interesting to learn about it with this example, as it is so clear and complete.

First of all, the Information Architecture is the structure in which the different pieces of the website are divided. For understanding the I.A. of a website there is a Navigation Map (not normally available for the users) which shows the way in which the website is divided. These maps are organised into nodes and links: nodes are the different options of information that the site offers, and links the connections between them.

Knowing this technical information I will make a little analysis of this web, whose home page (sorry for the advertisements) its above. 
The first impression I take when I entered in the website is a sense of clarity in the information and seriousness and reliability in the content. This is because the site has a hierarchical structure in its design, as almost all websites do. These deep structure which orders the information first, in a home page (where all the options and entries can be seen) and then in sections, which in turn, have sub-sections; its what gives us that impression of clarity and order. This good vibrations I had to the web page are very subjective, because I personally fit very well with that type of user´s navigating which the hierarchical structure of a site determines; which is searching, and not browsing or navigating (which are also interesting, but no when the objective is to work)

There is another thing I liked a lot about this page. Apart from all the information that is provided the site also offers an extensive bibliography of books, manuscripts, and a vast amount of websites from where they have compiled all the information; and it is here, I suppose, where we can find the external links which encourage users to continue navigating, browsing and discovering in the web.


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