Thursday, November 29, 2018

Ancient Greece in a glance (Interactive Maps)

Hi guys,
Today I would like to show this website which explains Ancient Greece in a very interesting way.

It has maps of Ancient Greece important cities, colonies, palaces, temples, mythological places (where is thought they were believed to be ), locations of important battles... It also have a complete timeline of this civilization, some typical constructions and important examples, a historical section, and also one for art, museums, archaeology and photographs. I am going to focus on the interactive maps it has about this ancient civilization.

This This way of presenting the information is much more useful and didactic for the user, who can see the different regions, cities, colonies, and also can be informed about each of them in some links and files that are uploaded in relation to each place. The user can learn about the customs of each place and the myths and stories related to it; at the same time that geographically relates each site with its current situation. This is a total and absolute immersion in the most important civilization and culture in our history.

I recommend you to go through this website to continue learning about mythology and classical culture.

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