Friday, November 30, 2018

Good Bye and Good Luck

The end of this semester has come and, therefore, the end of my posts in this blog. It has been a pleasure to be able to write in this blog about something that interests me: mythology. I was able to learn a lot about not only mythology itself, but also the many medias and resources there are to access information about mythology. It has been as much a learning experience for me, as for whoever may read this. When we first started the blog, I wasn't sure if I would like writing a blog, or if it would be a tedious task. Truthfully, some weeks it was a bit difficult to muster up the motivation to write an entire post, but I toughed it out and I'm proud of the posts I've made in the blog. I will leave you with a list of my previous posts and I wish you good luck in your future research!

Encyclopedia Mythica
Roman Mythology Animated
Journey Through the Acropolis
Myths and Legends
Your Guide To Defeating Troy
Mythical Chronology of Greece
The Louvre in Action
Gods and Goddesses
Mythology Today
About Katie

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