Saturday, December 1, 2018


Hello everyone,
Here is another website about mythology, but now it is in form of a timeline!

Why timelines? It is supposed that mythology didn´t have a time or space, because it were not true stories. Right and not. Mythology was for the Greeks a perfectly valid way of explaining their reality, so if we know the time and places where these stories were originated then we will know much more about their customs, culture and way of understanding their world. The myths had a date of origin ( although this is very difficult to know) and a territory or population among those who were more widespread. For this reason it is important to take a look at this timeline that explains very well the topic that concerns us.

The timelines of this website are static ones, but there is a huge list of names,events and myths with links below them that complete all the information shown in the timelines.

Also below the principal timeline; which shows the most important information in a brief way, and the versions and dates that have been mostly accepted; there is another list about all the mythological events, with all the different characters and the possible dates in order to each source (historians, literature of the time, etc)

Also, in the top of the web page there is more links for characters, places, topics, images and bibliography; if the information provided by the timelines is not enough. On the other hand, there is in the bottom of the website other links to other charts made by the same person who did this page. I recommend you all to take a look to the ones of  TheogonyMyths of CreationHistorical Context of the MythsContemporaries 800 BC - AD 600. They are explained in the same way the other timelines do: static way with an explanation and links with information below. It would be better if the two actions could be done in one, and the timeline allowed the user to interact with the information; but I suppose this is much difficult to create and it also require much more time. Nonetheless, this is a perfect example of a complete timeline in the web.

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